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As I spend time in prayer and in the Word, often the Lord will speak to me and as I receive revelation, I write it all down. The blogs and articles that I write are often the result of the revelation and wisdom I hear from the Lord.
I pray that you are encouraged and strengthened in your faith as you read the blogs you find here.

4 Things Your Future Needs
There are a lot of things that come to mind when you start talking about your future. When you consider a job; a mate; where you’re going...

One Word Changes Everything
I recorded a song many years ago entitled “We Need A Word From The Lord,” by Thomas Whitfield. The lyrics to the chorus are: “We need a...

4 Terrains You’ll Cross On the Way to Success
How many of you know and have experienced the fact that life is not always easy? Have you ever faced hard times? Sometimes the path is...

4 Promises for Your Darkest Hour
Can you recall one of the darkest hours that you have ever had to face? I certainly can. Many of my darkest hours come to mind, such as:...

Listen Up, O Soul!
Do you need encouragement, healing, or strength today? If so, I want to encourage you and share with you what I do when I feel like that...

3 Things Jesus’ Blood Does for You
Did you know that Jesus’ blood can work for you every day? Today, I want to show you how to apply this precious blood. Jesus’ blood,...

3 Reasons God Is Going to Turn It Around
There is a great song written by anointed writer, Derrick Thomas, that I have sung many times on the TBN Network. The song is entitled, ...

Back to School: The 3 Rs of Christianity
As everyone enters this back-to-school season, it reminded me of my school years. We were taught the 3 Rs: reading, (w)riting, and ...

7 Attitudes for Success (Part 1)
Do you want to walk in the full measure of success that the Lord has for you? If so, I want to talk with you today about seven attitudes...

5 Characteristics of Jesus, Our High Priest
Does your heart long to know Jesus better? If so, it will fire you up to really take a deep look at Him as your great High Priest! In...

4 Ways the Word Operates In Your Life
Did you know that God’s Word is actually making changes in you right now? It’s true! And today, I want to show you four ways the Word is...

How To Speak In Tongues
My friend, do you want to speak in tongues? Do you want the precious gift of a heavenly language by the Holy Spirit? If you want this...

7 Signs of God’s Holy Energy
On a certain thundering, rainy day, a mom went to pick her six-year-old son from school thinking that he would be afraid of the...

Set Your Sails for These 4 Things!
What are you looking forward to the rest of this year, and in 2020? What dream has God put in your heart? I believe that you are going to...

You Were Born To Thrive!
Did you know that you were born to thrive, my friend? When I think of the word “thrive,” the first thing that comes to my mind is my...

Ask God To Reveal His Secrets
Would you like God to reveal His secrets to you? Do you want to know what “the secret of the Lord” is? God is both a Revealer of secrets...

Join God’s Secret Service In These 3 Areas
We have all seen movies or even newscasts of Secret Service men and women as they guard and protect those in government, or even ...

Pentecost: The Gift of the Spirit and Fire
It wasn’t a showroom or a showplace. It wasn’t even deemed a show-up, like when Solomon’s temple was dedicated and the glory came in so ...

How To Be a Blessed Friend
The older I get, the more I realize how special “special friends” are. What a blessing real, true blue friends are in your life and ...

5 Things God Can Resurrect For You
Do you need God to resurrect something for you? Do you need Him to breathe on a situation and bring something back to life? Do you need a...

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