I recorded a song many years ago entitled “We Need A Word From The Lord,” by Thomas Whitfield. The lyrics to the chorus are:
“We need a word from the Lord, A word from the Lord, Just one word from the Lord will move all doubts And cause the sun to shine and bring peace of mind, Speak Lord, oh speak.”
Now more than ever before we need God to speak to us, His Church.
But here’s the thing: I believe He IS speaking. I just don’t think we are listening.
But here’s what I know:
One word from God can change everything!
I believe one word from the Lord has the power to set you on the course for victory every single time. I have had many words come to me countless times that have absolutely changed my life. I know that God speaks.
I will tell you that I have never heard the audible voice of God. However, I would be quick to tell you also that I know the voice of the Good Shepherd. I know when He talks, and I also believe He does speak audibly to His children if He wants to.
Isaiah 55:11 declares:
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
His Word is the final authority and you can count on it!
Related: Worship with me to my song, “God Said It; I Believe It” on Morris Cerullo’s YouTube here, and get your praise on!
When I first started in full-time ministry many years ago, I was going through some really challenging times.
I was behind on my bills, nothing on the calendar, and feeling like, “Lord, did I miss it? This is really not the way it’s supposed to be.” I mean I was pitiful, moaning, groaning, and having a “woe is me” kind of day. I specifically remember that I was upstairs in my bedroom, ON THE FLOOR.
All of a sudden, the Lord spoke to my heart and said to me, “Judy, get up and dance!” I said to the Lord, “Lord, surely You’re not going to require me to dance? Don’t You know what I’m going through?” I mean I was sick, going through some financial stuff, missing my home, and sooooo miserable.
Then He began to speak again: “Judy, I want you to get up off that floor and began to move your feet, then open your mouth and begin to magnify Me, and stop magnifying your problems.”
Then He said something so powerful:
“Judy, you have overestimated the devil in your life, and you have UNDERESTIMATED My power in your life! I have already given you My word. As I spoke to My servant David, ‘The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholds him with His hand. I have been young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread.'”
Oh, listen. I knew this was a word of the Lord.
So I got up off of that floor and began to lift my voice and dance all over my house. The very next day, breakthrough after breakthrough began to happen. There were checks in the mail; my body lined up with the Word of the Lord concerning my healing; and everything changed.
Related: 3 Reasons You MUST Have a Vision
I’m telling you: ONE WORD will change EVERYTHING!
The enemies lies and shouts, “This is the way it will always be; I’ve got you now! Where is your God? If you belong to God, why is He treating you like this?” He will spew out all kinds of lies to get you to doubt God and doubt God’s Word over you.
But if you will do as the Prophet was commanded to do and “Set your face like flint” (Isaiah 50:7), maintain your stand, and do as God commands: “Put Me in remembrance of My Word” (Isaiah 43:26), you will see the faithfulness of the Father. Worship Him with every fiber of your being because worship is always the key.
Then, you will experience the chains beginning to fall off.
His Word will begin to manifest in your life, and you will see fruit from your pain.
My friend, receive the word of the Lord today. Find a quiet place, an alone time, seek the face of God, and wait for Him. He’ll come through every single time!
What word from the Lord are you standing on today? Please let me know in the comments, and I will agree with you over God’s word to you!
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