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120 Souls Won! And Prophesying Over You!

This week, I was praying with our church intercessors and the Spirit of the Lord hit me to prophesy over you. We got the prophecy on video and over 30,000 people have already watched it! But in case you haven’t seen it yet, PLEASE watch it here:

Or you can also view it on Facebook here:

The anointing on this word was CRAZY GOOD!

Also, rejoice with us! Our church is hitting the streets this week en masse to witness in parking lots, on street corners, and in the worst neighborhoods. YESTERDAY, we prayed with 450 people–and 120 of those people gave their lives to Jesus! HALLELUJAH!

Our teams are headed out again today. Please keep us in your prayers! May many lives come into the fold of Christ, all for the glory due His name!

Remember to watch that prophecy above, and may the Lord increase you, bless you, and fill you with His FIRE today!

Expanded blessings,

Pastor Judy


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