Friend, are you READY for God to move in your life? Truly ready? If not, you had better GET ready.
For the Lord says to you today:
“Are you ready for My move? Are you ready for My awakening? For I AM ready! I am ready to move on your behalf.
For I would say to you, even as I moved and was hovering over the waters in the beginning of Earth time, I am moving even now in your life and situation. I am hovering over you! I am hovering over your promise! I am hovering over My Word to perform it.
My Word will not return unto Me, My child. I have sent it forth; and even now I am moving, hovering, and responding to your call and your cry. Are you ready for Me to act?
Haven’t I said, “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things?”
I am ready to show you the great and the mighty! Are you ready? Are you ready for the sacrifice that will come for this moment? Are you ready for the cost of following hard after Me in order to see the great and the mighty?
I have gone before you to prepare the way before you to make it easy and prosperous. Even now My eyes are roaming to and fro throughout the earth to see if there is anyone whose hearts are upright before Me,” says the Lord. “I am waking and stirring up your spiritual senses so that you are more aware of Me. Draw from Me and My presence, and you will be strengthened and will see My action and your deliverance.
You are My workmanship, created in My Son, Christ Jesus.
Remember, I declare the end from the beginning; and from ancient times, I do things that are not yet done. I declare that My counsel shall stand; and never forget, I will do all My good pleasure.
I have been working until now, and I have put all things under My feet. I am the head over all things and I have promised you that I will supply all your needs according to My riches in glory by My son’s name. This is My work, that you would believe in Me.
Believe, and you shall receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you so that I can act. Are you ready? Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, so do not limit the Holy One of Israel.
My goodness is overwhelming you right now!
Are you ready to receive My goodness and peace that surpasses your understanding? “Yes and Amen” is My battle cry to you, for I am fighting for you. I am training your hands and fingers to battle.
Are you ready to shout with your mouth? Are you ready to clap with your hands? Are you ready to stomp with your feet? Are you ready to use your dance to fight the cohorts of hell?
This battle that you are facing is not a battle that you have to fight alone. This battle is mine,” says the Lord, “and I have already won it.”
For the Lord would say:
“I am awakening your spirit to My miracle-working power that is transforming your mind and future to see and experience fullness.
Allow My Spirit to bring suddenlies into your life.
That is the real meaning of awakening. You are coming into an existence or awareness of who I am and what I want to do. This awareness is making My presence more real to you and making My promises more sure.
New life, new perspective, fresh desires and directives are coming to you. And as I promised in My word, I will awaken your sons and daughters to their purpose for My Kingdom. They will sense the awakening and quaking of My Spirit,” says the Lord.
“Look for it, for you will look and search for your enemy, but suddenly you will realize that they are no more.
Suddenly you will experience My wonder-working power of healing; and you will realize, “I am whole.” You will see your hands and your very pockets filled with gold; and you will say, “Where did all of this come from?” Your answer will be, “The Lord of Hosts performed this.”
Are you ready to be a testimony for someone who is seeking out one?
Are you ready to be a light in a dark place for someone who has lost all hope? I am asking you, “are you ready?”
I am a “Yes God.” It is My will to give you the Kingdom! It is My will for you to prosper and to walk in wholeness and divine alignment. This alignment is moving right now in your body, in your family, in your impossibility, and in your eyes. For I am realigning your eyes to see the supernatural, and I am calling you out of the natural realm.
The natural realm is an enemy to your spirit realm. I want to deliver and set you free to walk in My freedom, and to walk in the joy that the world cannot give.
Let Me be the center of all you do, and you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
I am giving you life, and there is no comparison to it. I have preserved you for such a time as this–for you to behold the wonderful works of God; so get ready for Me to act. I am here with hope and deliverance.
Your expectation is from Me. I have never failed any of My children, and I will not fail you,” says the Lord of hosts. “See My handiwork; look for Me in the minute things of your life, and I will manifest Myself to those who search for Me with all of their heart.
I am ready to act! I am ready to prove Myself to you!
I am ready; are you ready? Commit your way to Me, and I will make your way prosperous. Nothing lacking and nothing missing is your portion,” says the Lord Almighty. “Keep your eyes on Me, and I will show Myself strong on your behalf!
Do not look to the left or to the right; but continually keep your focus straight ahead on Me, and you will not fall. I will not allow even your foot to slip on a rock if you will follow My leading and My steps,” says the Lord. “Look up and rejoice at what I have done and what I am doing, because it is a great work and I will keep my Word,” says the Lord.
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