Do you need God to take you into a totally new season right now? If so, the Lord has a word for you today!
There is such an expectation in the atmosphere right now. I believe that God is awakening a desire among His Church to walk in exceptional faith.
Exceptional faith is a faith that expects the unexpected.
Sometimes, if we are not careful, we will get used to just getting into a rut of the “same ole, same ole!” But we feel that God is challenging our faith in the spirit-realm to expect the unexpected.
I don’t know about you, but I never want to be found stale, ineffective, lethargic, or growing cold in my relationship with Jesus. I want God’s very best, and I want to always be hot and not lukewarm toward Him.
I hear the Lord telling us:
“You expect healing in your body from Me, but let Me do the unexpected: let Me do creative miracles in your body!
You are expecting for your children to be delivered and set free, but let Me fill them with My Holy Spirit and call them into a ministry to the nations!
You expect for Me to get you out of debt; but, let Me do exceeding, abundantly above what you can ask or think! (Millions!)
You expect Me to come through so you can get the apartment that you have been inquiring about. But, I want you to lift your eyes in faith and believe for the home that you have been believing for. You haven’t even shared that dream with anyone; no one knows but Me!”
For the Lord Jehovah says:
“Is there anything too hard for the Lord your God? I am waiting for someone who will allow Me to show Myself strong on their behalf. Let your faith soar in this season! Let Me do only what I can do.
Expectation is what I thrive on. l love it when My children expect the great things from Me. It is My pleasure to give you GOOD THINGS!
Expect the unexpected to come through every avenue possible.
I have told you that expectation is THE KEY!
Expect Me to show up in a message on your phone.
Expect Me to come through a package left at your door.
Expect that telephone call.
Expect that promotion that will bring you to your knees in emotions.
Expect the business to turn around so completely that your financial advisors go bananas with excitement and disbelief.
This new level of expectation and faith is the place I desire for you always.
I want to use you and your faith to change nations on My behalf. Don’t just think personal things, although I want to always give you the very desires of your heart; but think BIGGER! I want to transform cities, regions, states, counties, countries, Prime Ministers, Presidents, senators, congresspeople, Supreme Court justices AND your life!”
You are the key!
I will never forget being on the shore of our favorite beach destination, in the middle of our family vacation, when the Lord gave me a vision of a tsunami that is going to hit this world. In this daytime vision, I saw the water. As we moved closer to the water, we realized that what we were seeing was not water at all. The Holy Spirit said, “That’s My glory!”
In the vision, I saw people groups swimming in the tsunami of glory. They were all speaking in unknown tongues. They were so very happy, swimming in the glory of God!
In this same vision, I also saw my daughters, surfing at the very top of the tsunami. The Holy Spirit said, “There is a movement that is going to hit our youth. This youth revival is going to be one that we have never seen or experienced before. It will make the Jesus People Movement look like a bar-be-que.”
With all of my heart, I believe we are right there! As a matter of fact, I feel some water beginning to cascade over us all.
I really believe EXPECTATION is the key to seeing the greatest move of God of our day.
I know it will take prayer, fasting, and seeking after this GLORY that was prophesied in order to see it come to pass. But, I believe I hear some dry bones beginning to move.
There is an army arising that cannot be stopped, hindered, or hushed! Our voices are beginning to rise, and Heaven’s ears are wide open. God’s eyes are roaming through the earth, just looking for someone’s heart that is completely His.
For the Lord says:
“I know you are longing to see My glory as others have experienced it, but I only come to a seeking heart–especially a heart who seeks Me with all diligence. I am speaking through My prophets, My pastors, My teachers, My evangelists, and My apostles. Hear the word of the Lord to prepare for the Third Great Awakening in your life!
I am ready to do the unbelievable, the unthinkable, and the undeniable in your life, in the lives of those you love, and in the Body of Christ–My church!
Let Me be the Captain of this boat called “life.”
Let Me charter you through these chaotic waters. When you do, we will walk on the water together. Your enemy has asked for you many times, that he would sift you as wheat, but I have prayed–and am praying for you–that your faith will not fail.
You are an OVERCOMER! This is the VICTORY that overcomes the world, even your faith!
Related: 4 Things Your Future Needs
Faith will be the compass and the stern that will get you up and over. Never doubt My Word and My promises; they are steadfast and faithful.
What if you knew that you could command your blessings?
What if you knew that you have My ear at all times, and you can ask what you will? What if I gave you the power and the authority to move even mountains that may be in your way? What if I decided to give you the keys of David?
All of these “what if”s are very true, My dear one! I have given all of these things to you and more. The only thing I ask is that you believe Me in faith. For if you ask anything according to My will, I hear you; and if you know that I hear you, then you have those things that you desire!
It’s just that simple! That is why, by faith, you can EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!
Zacchaeus expected to see Me that day when He climbed the sycamore tree, but he didn’t expect Me to go home with him.
Moses expected Me to deliver the Children of Israel, but he didn’t expect to see My hind part when he asked for Me to show him My glory!
Jacob expected to get his brother’s birthright privileges when he stole the blessing from his father. But, he didn’t expect to be included in a name God gave Himself: the “God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.”
Solomon expected to get his father’s throne as an inheritance, but he never expected to be named the most successful king that ever ruled.
Esther knew that she was chosen by God, and that she had a good chance of getting crowned Queen when she went before the king the first time. But, she never expected the golden scepter to be handed to her the second time when she went before the king to intercede for the Jews.
The things that I did for My children in the past, I stand ready to do again–but in a greater degree!
Who will trust Me? Who will raise their faith level? Who will believe me?
I am calling you to the exceptional. I am calling you to expect the unexpected. I am calling you to believe My Word, My promises, and My decrees over you. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you to the place of rest, peace, prosperity and promise.
Look up to the heavens; today could be the day! Expect the unexpected!”
Give God a shout right now! Is the Lord speaking this word right to your heart? Leave a comment below if so!