The God of Israel says to you today:
“You have been looking for the things that I told you would come to pass. I am declaring to you today that I have saved the best for last. I AM DOING A NEW THING; and, indeed, I HAVE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST.
I have told you that the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
I have saved the best for last for you. I have told you in My Word, “No man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine bursts the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.” This new wine has been reserved since I left this earth to go and sit down beside My Holy Father in all of My dominion and authority.
This new wine is the gift of My Holy Spirit. I promised to pour out this gift on all believers who would humble themselves, seek for it, and receive it as my special prize for them. This promise is a guaranteed promise.
As My Word says, “It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ Jesus. He has commissioned us, and He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything He has promised us.” I have set my seal on My Word that I will keep My promises.
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I declare to you today, the best is yet to come!
Haven’t I said that eye has not seen nor ear heard concerning the great and mighty things that I have prepared for all who love Me? You are My child. I have reserved these things with you in mind, and I can hardly wait to share them with you.
In My Kingdom that things are not as the world sees them:
In My Kingdom, the greatest among you is the servant of all.
In My Kingdom, to go up, you must come down.
In the Kingdom that I have prepared, you must be first willing to give in order to get.
In order to live, you must first be willing to die.
Also, in My Kingdom, I have saved the best for last.
According to the world, My Kingdom is upside down; but not according to My Word–for I know where you are. I know exactly what I am doing in arranging My Kingdom children for the best–the very best.
I know where you are. You feel as if you are the last of a long line.
When you look ahead, the line seems endless–like being on a road without being able to see the end of the road. But even now,” says the Lord, “I am turning things around.
Look who is up in the front as I am turning things around. It is you, My child; do you see it? Can you see it with Spirit eyes? As I am saving your best for last, it will be a quick turnaround–just as it was for My servant Joseph.
For the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Naomi thought her life was at the end. She even told the people in her hometown, when she returned, “Don’t call me Naomi; call me ‘Mara,’ for the Almighty has made my life very bitter for me. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty.” All hope was gone in her eyes.
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Nevertheless, in My eyes, I was working.
I had a better ending than what Naomi thought. At the end, the people began to prophesy over Naomi as I am prophesying to you. The neighbor women said, “Now at last Naomi has a son again!” And they named him Obed. He became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David; and David was in the geanology of My Son, Jesus Christ.
I am making things better than they were before and even better than that.
I am the God who makes all things new! I am the “Yes God,” and I can do all My good pleasure. I am shifting things in the heavens on your behalf to bring about your best. For I know the thoughts that I have for you,” says the Lord, “to give you a hope and a future.
I have always used the very best when it comes to My business. When I assembled My precious anointing oil, I used the very best ointments so that everything the oil is used for would be holy and would be made from the very best.
I tell you today that My anointing, which is My Holy Spirit, is here to give you the best in every area that you desire.
I am anointing you now because I have saved My best for you–to see people’s lives changed. My best is your best!
I was there when the father called for the best to be brought out for his son, who had left home and now had returned. The servants were instructed to bring out the fattest calf, the best robe, and a ring for his finger. My best is waiting for your prodigal to come as well. I have the best for them, because My Spirit is calling those prodigals forth. You will see them come back with joy.
I told My servant Paul to earnestly desire the best gifts to be used for My people.
My best is always best. And even when it seems unsure or impractical, I always reserve My best for last. When My Son Jesus’ earthly mother, Mary, told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you to do,” she knew that I had something that was better than anything that the partygoers had tasted. The master of the banquet even testified that “the best wine was saved for last.”
I have something so special for you–something that has never been seen in these 2,019 years.
Can you believe for the best? Do not let man dictate to you what you deserve and don’t deserve. You are Mine. You belong to Me; you are My child, and I always have the best for My children. Trust me now! For it seems every time you have turned, things have not looked as if you were experiencing My best; but I have seen your faithfulness and your unwavering faith.
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Faith is what I reward,” says the Lord.
“Keep believing for the best. Above all, do not settle for anything less than My very best. Watch and see, and you will rejoice in My goodness!”
Bless the Lord! I am believing the Lord for His very best. Will you believe Him for His very best for yourself? If so, leave a comment below and tell me how I can agree with you today!